I would be interested to know how Robert Robb in his editorial defines "a quality education." What are the criteria? Surely who pays for the education, public or private doesn't really matter as long as the students emerge from High School ready to tackle university. Clearly that is not the case. 3.9 Million Students Dropped Out of College With Debt in 2015 and 2016. That debt amounted to $1.3 trillion in student loans. That surely is the scandal we ought to be fixing. It doesn't look as if the schools are doing the job to justify the millions of public dollars spent on them. That the introduction of Charter School to improve the system has allowed some politicians voting for them to make large sums of money is a disgrace.
Whereas the majority of education systems in the industrial developed world use external public examinations to evaluate the academic abilities of High School students, we don't. If you want to go to college and have the money and graduate, you get in. Overseas there is actual competition, God forbid! In our High Schools being on a sports team seems to rate far higher that being a hard working student who achieves academic success. So taxpayer money is wasted and our high school system is mediocre and university takes four years, a year longer than overseas.