Your article on Bishop O'Brien's funeral arrangements significantly left out the details of the man killed. He was a pedestrian, with alcohol in his bloodstream according to the autopsy, a Native American and his name was Jim Lee Reed. He may well have been jaywalking. He was 6 feet tall and weighed 250lbs and his blood was on O'Brien's car and the impact shattered the windscreen. He did not "stumble into the fender of the Bishop's car." as Kieffer explained in his address. O'Brien was coming from "a church function" and could well have been intoxicated but there was no opportunity to test him because he did not stop. O'Brien then waited until he had no choice but to co-operate with the authorities.
The Church and its members are not above the law, which seeks justice for all men, not just the "chosen ones". Christ came to give succor to the poor, to the marginalized and downtrodden, to those who have no voice. By standing against the powerful and the rich, our system of justice, however inadequate, does Christ's work.