Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


I can only assume that Joe Lester, "I've studied climate change quite a bit and I'm not buying it" worked as an engineer on the Titanic. I am so pleased he has read "many books" and thinks of himself as an expert. Could he use his expertise and depth of knowledge to explain to a common man like myself why the glaciers all over the planet are melting, why ice sheets in the Antarctic are breaking off, why the average temperatures around the globe are increasing far faster during this period of increased industrialization coinciding with the massive increase in the burning of fossil fuels, why the sea levels are rising and why we are enduring increasingly destructive weather patterns? He might also like to explain the greenhouse effects of carbon dioxide. I hope he will leave an explanation to his grandchildren why the decreasing snow melt in Rockies and water flow in the Colorado and the critical decrease in the levels of our reservoirs mean that they can only have a shower once a week, that all water supplies are rationed, and the only way to cool the house is with wet sheets, and why they have to bicycle everywhere. If he can do this, his education will not have been wasted.