Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


When all but one of the Republican candidates for the highest education office in Arizona think that belief systems such as "intelligent design" and "creationism" (no proof, no data, no science just opinion) should be taught alongside the theory of evolution (science based, provable facts, system, logic) and when Mad King Trump says you need ID to shop at the supermarket, it's time for us to be all working on replicas of the Mayflower. Maybe we should go back to Holland, the happiest place on earth, if their immigration policy would allow. Then again the centre of Australia is vast and largely uninhabited. Arizonans are well attuned to the heat and doubtless our skins will darken over time to protect us from the sun and we will fit in with the local inhabitants or what's left of them after white colonial Australians have finished.