The election is over. A great deal of money was spent and great deal of effort expended and the result? A few more women in Congress, some restraint on the President but the real issues are ignored and the Sixth Extinction, already underway, grows in its effects with little or nothing being done. The establishment and the poorly educated masses just as in the 15th and 16th centuries are deeply skeptical of science and hate change. The earth is still flat; the sun goes round the earth, global warming is a hoax, burning fossil fuels is acceptable. What we can't see we can't understand. It's all fake news. Galileo was threatened with torture for telling the truth, Bruno was burned at the stake because he said the universe was infinite and virgin births were magic. Change came very slowly then and understanding over generations. They had the time; the ecosphere was not yet under threat. Now, we have already passed the point of no return and the consequences scientifically established. Rome is burning but we keep playing our violins. Pity these elections will have changed so little after such effort.