Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


"The Migrants are coming! The Migrants are coming?" Prepare your trusty AR-15s, polish the barrels, and buy some extra armor piercing bullets. We are all in danger. Our lives are threatened. Oh... but please be careful not to confuse Halloween lanterns with the real lanterns in the church tower. And do not confuse trick or treaters wearing weird make-up with the migrants. You can tell migrants because they are poor and look like foreigners and they will steal your candy because they are hungry. Some of them could be from the Middle East which is somewhere over there and full of blood thirsty killers ready to chop children's and horse's heads off. There will be headless horses and headless children everywhere. Scary.

This is a scary time, not Halloween, that's O.K. but if we don't stop the migrants now, after them will come the socialists and the communists, disguised as democrats, then the abortionists, the sexually confused, the gays, the Russians, people who want to share toilets and are on Medicaid and probably the Chinese who all want to get into Harvard. And they all want to take away all your money forever!

Only in America! Don't you love this country?