Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


John Bolton, resurrected from the grave by President Trump, always struck me as a man of limited intelligence and understanding. His actions against the "troika" of tyranny, Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, only confirm that opinion. With all his so-called "toughness" he is nothing more than a schoolyard bully. He plans to impose sanctions on those countries because they are small, economically and politically fragile and weak, in other words because he can. He shakes the hands of the murderers in Saudi Arabia, ignores China which politically chokes its people while building massive "re-education" camps for millions and he makes pals of the Commie Russians who laugh at him and insult the United States. All Bolton's policies will achieve will be to create more misery and more refugees who will come battering at our borders for asylum. We have an interest in maintaining and nurturing the prosperity of those nations nearest to us, not creating more poverty and more despair. I vote we send Bolton back to the grave.