Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Should we be comforted that Robert Robb does not intend to tear his hair out because of governmental inaction to the threats posed by climate change? He paints environmentalists as whacky fruitcakes, who even democrats have the good sense to ignore and whose dire predictions read "like a script of a disaster movie." It is all fiction according to him. What if he is wrong? The effects of serious damage to our ecosystems are not a fiction. Melting glaciers and ice sheets, declining natural species, the acidification of the oceans, rising air and sea temperatures, declining coral reefs and the destruction of forests are some of the effects of climate change and human activity. The damage has been calmly and scientifically outlined in numerous academic journals and papers. Robb's suggestion that we can save the planet, our only living space, by putting up solar panels is at best laughable. We ignore the signals and the scientific evidence at our peril.

The Trojans didn't believe Cassandra who warned them about the horse, however, given our own stupidity and hubris it is probably fitting our species like the dinosaurs before us, should eventually give way to something hopefully more intelligent.