Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


By publishing such a silly letter from a climate denier, I can only conclude that the editorial board of the AZ Republic wishes to be deliberately provocative. It's the equivalent of publishing a letter from someone arguing that the world has to be flat otherwise we would all fall off. That it's couched in political terms as a continuing struggle between left and right ideologies makes it even sillier. The scientific evidence is incontrovertible. What's frightening is that there are so many people like the writer who don't understand the science, are blind to the consequences of pumping millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the earth's atmosphere every day and like the flat earthers will go willingly to their deaths arguing that the melting of the glaciers, the rise in sea levels and air temperatures, the increasingly severe weather disturbances and fires are all a wicked plot by left leaning socialists who want to spend the country's hard earned taxes. At some level it's a reflection of the American education system or the lack of it.