Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


To place a narcissist in the most powerful position on the planet opens up a Pandora's box of troubles. Narcissists worthy of the name have to be the centre of attention. Take that attention away and they go into hissy fits and do anything, say anything to get that attention back again. As long as the spotlight is on them, they are happy. For Trump it's a daily performance. Being President by very nature of the position amplifies feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur. To the narcissist this is heaven. No one must stand in his way. Any critics are enemies and must be cut down mercilessly.

On the quiet narcissists can seem perfectly normal, show gentleness towards women and want to be seen as attractive to them; they can show concern for children and otherwise behave in perfectly normal ways. The tone of a narcissist's language, however, can never show doubt or vulnerability nor can it be self-reflective but must diminish others with personal insults. Like a moth, a narcissist flutters desperately around the light of publicity chasing away intruders. It's most happy whenever it's the only centre of attention.

The only way to cope with a narcissist is to return the narcissism. To be on the receiving end of narcissistic behavior is upsetting to a narcissist who is by nature a physical coward. It's like a game of poker. You have to keep bluffing, pretending you have a wonderful hand, increasing the level of taunt and show billowing confidence. Nothing terrifies a narcissist more than another narcissist. The stakes just get higher and higher to the point when one of them has to back down usually under the threat of personal violence. So anyone opposing Trump needs to appear stronger. At the same time it's important to remember that Trump plays politics like he plays golf. He cheats and lies. To date he has succeeded by cheating and breaking all the social rules and codes of normal society. Ironically he is well versed in the art of weakness and vulnerability because instinctively he is weak and vulnerable.

To defeat Trump will require a man or woman who understands Trump's narcissism and is able to fight toe-to-toe and insult-by-insult. She or he will have to pretend she is equally as narcissistic as he is, perhaps more so. He or she will need a core of inner strength and an ability of go over the top but behind than screen be intellectually and morally sound in doing so. To defeat Trump you have to appear as mad as Trump. There will be no quarter given, no stepping back, no getting out of the ring. It will be a bloody, messy battle and will have to be fought using the Trump rule book which is lies, insults, more lies and more insults and no rules. No quarter will be given.

Trump may like to think of himself as some sort of a God but in reality he is just a man floating on a raft with delusions of grandeur surrounded by a lot of monkeys. The only democratic hopefuls I can see who come near to being able to get into the ring with Trump are Elizabeth Warren or Beta O'Rourke but somebody will need to train them up for the fight NOW and they will have to be coached in fighting dirty, hitting below the belt, biting, scratching, mauling and coming up with every trick in the book. Being rational, civilized, and above the fray will not work. There must be blood. There are no rules. It will be political TV, as we've never seen before.

The winner becomes President.