White America is upset and worried. Black people are buying guns. The descendants of ex-slave owners are beginning to be concerned that having freed the slaves in a civil war after 250 years of brutal, violent servitude, the children of ex-slaves are getting a little uppity, threatening even. God forbid they would want revenge for the lynchings, the rapes, the whippings, having their children torn away from them and sold, being forced into poverty and starved etc. Would you believe it? Now that they are free and have some cash, they are buying guns. So our policemen shoot more black people than white! So we put more black people into prison. It's better than it was before! Isn't it?
Don't white people have enough to cope with their own white kamikazes letting loose with AR-15s in schools and Walmarts, blowing up government buildings, shooting up concerts in Las Vegas? Enough! Give us a break. Surely you can't expect us to also worry about a discontented 13% of the population armed with bazookas and tanks and whatever other lethal weapons you can buy on Amazon?
The worry is enough to make us crackers go crackers or either emigrate overseas or God forbid, vote for Trump again.