With the Senate appointing right leaning judges to the Supreme court, our mayor packing the courts with Republican appointees, States restricting polling stations and gerrymandering ongoing, along with a President who lost the popular vote, I am beginning to wonder who controls the country. Add to that businesses like the Koch brothers pouring money into shaping elections, Purdue, the manufacturers of Oxycontin literally killing people with their product and walking away with billions, the Russians manipulating the media, Facebook selling the information they have on us, Google worming its way into everything we do and watch, algorithms linked to AI predicting what we are going to do say, feel, buy, prefer, feeling free is becoming challenging. Is this the new Gilead? Am I living in 1984?
The United States is a country, which stood for freedom, isn't it? Give me Liberty or give me Death! What seems to be happening is that a smaller and smaller number of individuals in positions of political and economic power are dictating to the vast majority how we should live, what we should do and think. Is Big Brother about to pop up on our screens or is he already there? Where are the voices of dissent?