The protestation of Kristen Waggoner's at the SPLC's appellation of their organization as a "hate" group, covers up the virulently anti-LBGT campaign of the Alliance Defending Freedom and their attempts to use the law to defend their right wing extremism. She herself uses language suffused with anti-socialist far-left propaganda. "Methinks," however, "the lady doth protest too much." One of the ADF's favorite words in their legal briefs has been "sodomy," to try to give their arguments political and emotional clout. LGBT rights have been hard fought for. Women are still fighting for the right to control their own bodies. America was founded on the principle of tolerance and individual freedom. Simply put, the ADF is anti-abortion, wants crosses and religious displays permitted and determinedly is trying to blur the line between Church and State. It is using the law in the hope of undermining the liberties and freedoms already gained. Now that the Supreme Court has swung to the right they are increasing their efforts and must be resisted by fair minded people.