Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


I had to hold my sides laughing as I read Rich Lowry's prissy editorial about Bloomberg using his wealth to try bribe his way to the Presidency. Really? What did the present incumbent do? At least with Bloomberg you have a real millionaire, spending real money which he earned, not just a carpet bagging, snake oil salesman who lost more money than he ever earned and is so frightened he will be found out he hides his tax returns under the bed! For Mr Lowry's information, President Trump is using his occupancy of the White House to make money, bolster his failing hotels and resorts with alot of the cash ironically coming from the taxpayer. It's all a joke on the American people, a lot of whom are too dumb to realize they are being taken for a ride. As a conservative commentator Lowry should keep his moral righteousness to himself. Besides with Bloomberg what you see is what you get, not an orange faced clown who makes the Joker look normal.