I researched Buck Sexton, whose piece on why Trump is right to call in the military was published today. What a joyful bundle of conservative mumbo jumbo he manages to come up with. He claims self-righteously to be a supporter of reason and logic, a technique he learned from Fox News, then goes on to dismiss Dr. Fauci and scientists advising the government as radical dictators undermining an American's right to exercise free choice. He is good at taking selected facts, exaggerating them, leaving the impression that the whole country is falling into chaos, ergo bring in the troops. The problem is most of these commentators stirring up right wing hysteria are paid disgustingly large sums of money for doing so and delight in adding to the witches cauldron of populist dogma because it makes them even richer and even more divorced from the reality of people's lives. Hannity is paid $20 million a year. His take: "Ordinary people, people of color and poor people are in the streets stealing from the shops. Bring in the troops. Shoot them." Perhaps Sexton and Hannity can use their vast wealth to finance their own army of supporters with nice brown shirts and red armbands to teach them a lesson!.