Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Today's letter writer from Chandler asks why he reads nothing but foul, negative news every day about The President. There's a very simple reason: because as a human being, Donald Trump is both foul and negative and proves it on a daily basis. There is nothing good or positive to say about him. He is vindictive, hateful, revengeful, egotistical, without compassion or love, inarticulate, a true narcissist whose main attribute is that he is very good at all the above. I write this not out of hatred or bitterness because I am as equally depressed at having to watch and listen to him as he destroys everything he touches. He is the apotheosis of evil, the motherlode of the toxicity of which your writer complains. He cares only about himself. Watch Hertzog's movie Aguirre, the Wrath of God for a good comparison. Trump and his crew make Lucifer and the fallen angels look a positively cozy bunch. This President represents the dark side of the American soul. As long as he is President there will be no fresh air. His upward tally of 16,000 lies and misleading claims are all the proof anyone needs. You want another four years of this? Start doing the body count.