Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


It's amazing what a few short weeks and the onset of a pandemic can do to change political attitudes. Suddenly we are all in this together. Sounds socialist to me. Medical treatment for all regardless of economic background? Definitely socialist bordering on communist. Giving money to everyone, the same amount... definitely, definitely communist. Obeying the dictates of the Governor to close down businesses? Who does he think he is Mao? Stalin? Where are our pundits like Thiessen and Lowry who write those wonderful editorials espousing the virtues of free enterprise and individual responsibility and the evils of the collective will. Gone silent. Oh dear. We're all in this together now. We've got to share everything. Our great leader, supported by 1.2 million Arizonans and intent on draining the Washington swamp, also drained the organization which was meant to protect us against pandemics. Whoops. We were warned some time ago. Whoops. Fake News? Left wing socialist propaganda? How do those of you who sit on the editorial board of the AZ Republic look each other in the eye? "Hypocrite lecteur, mon semblable, mon frere." Charles Baudelaire. Strap your goggles on.