Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


There is a saying by Confucius, "All that goes with its back to the sun can be eaten." And in China there's a long tradition of eating exotic wild animals both for snob value and health. The richer you are the more you can indulge your tastes... live monkey brain served in a special table that locks the monkey's skull in place, grilled parrots' feet where the live parrot's feet are held to a hotplate. Chinese medicine has any number of ancient antidotes from snakes and every other kind of creature which are cures for a variety of diseases and complaints. Tiger paw is apparently good for your sex life. Shark's fin soup is a favorite. Fish lips is another - little glutinous rubbery bits in a brown soy sauce. Just as disturbing as the wet markets where the coronavirus made the jump to humans, is the ancient agricultural practice still widespread throughout China of using night soil to fertilize the garden and the fields. I am not a virologist but it would seem that the practice of reintroducing human viruses and bacteria back into the food chain as well as the wild might encourage all sorts of pathogens.