Goodie, goodie. Mark Brnowitch wants to bring back death by injecting poison into people. At last a tough Attorney General who knows what's what and that murderers mustn't be allowed to get away with it, not that the death penalty actually stops the murders but it's a good feeling, killing bad people. And if the State is going to kill on behalf of us all, don't you think it should be done in public like we used to? And really, injecting poison is such a yucky way to kill people. What about the good ole' hanging? Nice blindfold, hands tied behind their back and then... the drop. Apparently it gives them a hard-on. Way to go. Of course the hangman needs training so that the head doesn't come off. Firing squads are too dramatic and drawing and quartering is out of the question, all that blood all over the place and then what to do with the bits. We in Arizona need to stand up against all those weak liberal democracies like Canada and the European Union who think executions are a waste of time and money, barbaric and sometimes result in innocent people getting executed. We are Americans. We are tough. We don't mind killing people even if they're accidentally innocent. A lot of us are also Christians... Aren't we?? Sort of?