Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


When you have a President, the leader of the most powerful country in the world, getting up and spouting wild gobbledygook about the pandemic, you have to wonder whether it is stupidity or malignity. We know Trump will never admit responsibility. It's always someone else's fault but calling New Zealand's outbreak "terrible" and that the country had suffered "a big surge" is so unbelievably wrong you begin to wonder whether the man is sane. Overall 22 people have died from COVID-19 in New Zealand, compared with more than 170,000 in the US, the highest death toll in the world. The US accounts for nearly 22% of deaths globally. New Zealand had 13 new cases today. They cracked down early, had a plan, executed it, and saved lives. We have no plan, testing here and there, no contact tracing and like children lost in a storm are just hoping it will all go away. We've thrown the old people under the bus, now we're experimenting with our children... just to see how it goes. This is The Madness of King Trump. It is difficult to know whether to laugh or cry.