Doug Ducey, the Governor of Arizona, is doubtlessly an affable man and projects an image of business-like efficiency. What else would one expect from a man who successfully established an ice-cream franchise? Not for him the rarified atmosphere of the Ivy League or Rhodes scholarships. His family background should never be held up as indicator of anything other than a true patriot willing to serve his country. He projects earnestness and apart from a few strange outbursts seems like a pleasant and confident person. He supports President Trump, which is totally understandable given that 1.2 million Arizonans did in the last election. For him, like the majority of Trump supporters, the world is black or white. Does he know the differences between Sunnis and Shiites? Probable not. Does he know about the Straits of Hormuz? Mmm...perhaps. Does he understand the history of the Middle East? Vaguely. Can he play chess as well as the Iranians who invented the game? Definitely not. Doug Ducey is totally sincere in his ignorance and knowledge of the world. He is doing his best to support Arizona and the President.