Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


We're a country that is supposed to solve problems, a rich country with the best universities in the world and more scientists per head of the population than anywhere else. Non-Americans are supposed to look up to us as the defenders of liberty, a country of immigrants welded by common purpose and idealism standing against tyranny and despotism. "Give me your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free" is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. So the sight of us now struggling with a massive pandemic with nearly 200,000 deaths, trying to contain racial riots, executing civilians in the street if they don't obey orders, a large underclass just getting by, the homeless living in temporary camps and shelters, a police force trained to kill first and ask questions later, politicians screaming at each other from their respective pulpits, the corrupt and the venal given full rein to plunder and amass wealth for themselves and you wonder what went wrong. Are there remedies? Can our reputation for greatness be restored or are we whistling in the wind? I suppose all we can do now is muddle through and hope for the best as our reputation for exceptionalism seeps out under the door.