To continue helping and expanding the understanding of those supporting the present government's policies, I am forwarding an extended edition of my English 101 guide to terminology which Trump supporters of the present administration might find useful for their own intellectual and political development.
- Narcissistic: adj. an excessive desire to be talked about coupled with a total lack of empathy for others.
- Extreme narcissism: n. inability to talk coherently about anything except oneself coupled with a desire to humiliate those seen as weaker or poorer.
- Paranoia: n. a belief that all people who disagree with you, particularly the press and members of the Democratic Party, are trying to "get" you.
- Xenophobia: n. a belief that anything or anybody not of the same colored skin or culture or religion, are inferior to you and must be kept in their places.
- Misogynistic: adj. of all women who are to be defined by their looks and who should concentrate on being pretty objects good to bear children.
- Reality: n. your opinions on anything as opposed to everybody else's and what is actually going on. cf. the coronavirus.
- Toadyism: n fawning flattery where any shreds of personal integrity or conviction are abandoned in the hope of personal gain or public notoriety from someone in power.
- Sycophancy: n. insincere expressions of flattery towards those in positions of power.
- Self-delusion: n. an infinite capacity to believe whatever comes out of one's own mouth even though it bears no relationship to the truth.
- Boastfulness: n. telling others how brilliant and competent one is by repeating it frequently.
- Envy: n. feelings of hatred for anyone seen as politically or financially or intellectually more successful.
- Integrity: n. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. The opposite of lying.
- Hope: n. the ability to continue believing in the best in humanity despite confronting division, hatred, self interest, bullying and all of the above except k.