Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Well, there you have it. The historical contribution of the Republican Party to the peace and stability of the United States of America. Get them wheels of government moving backwards. Let's git back to the good old days... shootin' them damn communists in Vietnam and Roussia... and the Injuns too, showin' 'em all the mettle of the American people. Times, they ain't a changin''. We can plant a nuclear device on top of them any day of the week, in fact of the hour. That'll sort 'em out. We are all plannin' to stay the same. We got the right hats, jeans, plaid shirts, cowboy boots and I am really proud of my new moustache. Took me a while to grow it. Just like my old daddy's. We are the livin' American cliche and we got guns... any amount of guns, stored in our closets where we keep the vacuum cleaner and we got ammunition, tons of it down in the garage. We are ready to go fight all them antifa no gooders who are trying to take over this country and are burnin' down police stations. Goddam it. We're ready. Let's go America.