Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

FINDING A VACCINE (Published 2/16)

For those who love the power of the market and defend its ability to produce the products which enhance and bolster our way of life, your latest headline, highlighting the work in universities trying to discover a vaccine to help save lives threatened by the new corona virus, demonstrates clearly that relying on the pharmaceutical industry to save us in a crisis is futile. The market only works when there are profits to be made. Getting people addicted to opium and reaping millions is a better example of their methods. Saving mankind from a plague is not profitable. The industry needs people to be unhealthy and fat and sick so that they can sell them pills, lots of them and very profitably. Pills are small and one factory can produce alot of them. Finding a cure for a corona virus must be left in the hands of a few research technicians in our universities. After all, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin because his laboratory at St Mary's Hospital was dirty. It is unfortunate that a free market does not always of necessity produce what we need.