Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

GET TO WORK! (9/02)

Kathy Diekelman spelled it out clearly in her letter today. You can't have socialism and democracy at the same time. We need everyone to work. None of this paying taxes and insurance and thinking you are entitled to something. Hard work will lead to a better life for everyone. The whole point of capitalism is so that you maximize profits for the shareholders and owners. Keeping the wages of workers as low as you can means that shareholders and owners can earn more and get rich. Remember slavery was good for our country and made us prosperous because all you did was feed your slaves, you didn't pay them because you owned them. That's how America became great. Let's put children back in the factories so that they appreciate hard work. Stop paying social security. There are plenty of jobs for older people even if you are in a wheelchair. Medicare wastes money because the old are going to get sick and die anyway. We don't want government intervention. This pandemic would have been over if government hadn't started to interfere and try to save lives. No more of this socialism. No more free money. Get America back to work again.