Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, our hospital workers, crop pickers, cleaners, shelf fillers, essential workers everywhere are heroes serving the greater good. We're having a fly past to recognize how important they all are. It's amazing to see what a pandemic will do. Government is suddenly vital to our survival. A public servant, Anthony Fauci who has dedicated his life to the welfare of society has become the man of the moment. Our universities have become hotspots of research. Congress has passed legislation throwing money around like confetti to try to stop us from going completely down the drain. Government services are now essential. But where now are the "drain the swamp" people? Where are the legions of flag waving patriots excorciating the deep state and the left wing socialist conspiracies undermining the American way of life? Have they gone to sleep? Or do they do not like looking stupid. They've gone quiet. Are even they are ashamed to have their hypocrisies exposed? Probably not. Medicare for all? It might bankrupt the country. Duh! Couldn't we just elect intelligent, sensible honest, well-educated people into our governments and save us a lot of heartbreak?