Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


"Among the state's largest Gannett-owned publications, The Arizona Republic has seen one of the steepest declines, with a two-year circulation drop of 30.3% since 2017 translating to an annualized decline of 17%."

Dear me. What on earth could be responsible for the decline? Has management become sclerotic, unimaginative, stolid, and behind the times? Should there be a shake-up? Is there a need for new blood more in tune with today's informational needs? Has the old guard seen its best days as it continues to churn out more of the same. Is it time for some journalists to hang up their keyboards?

I just spent a month in Rapid City, South Dakota.... a solidly red state, and I found the Rapid City Journal lively, informative and fun even if it was a a bit thin. My advice. Put Montini and Roberts in charge and see the newspaper take off.... Oh and please get Benson back.... and one or two of those others on the Arizona Mirror. "Times they are a changin'"