Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


The photograph of the foreign ministers of two gulf states, the PM of Israel and Trump, holding up their signatures like children showing the teacher their writing skills and looking for approval, reminded me of the British Prime Minister Chamberlain holding his piece of paper as he got off the plane after having signed a peace accord with Adolph Hitler. Jon Gabriel uses his usual bait and switch technique to turn the whole process into an attack on the previous Democratic administration. He dismisses the Palestinian people, all five million of them, with one sweep of his pen as being corrupt and therefore not worthy of any consideration. As far as he is concerned they can be left to rot in the biggest prison camp in the world called Gaza. Israel's illegal occupation of the West Bank is nowhere mentioned and the slow, step-by-step illegal acquisition of land seized by military invasion can continue in order to further the cause of a Greater Judea. So the misery and bitterness and injustice will be perpetuated with the Palestinians squeezed more and more tightly into manageable blocks with walls, barbed wire, guards and look out posts but with no voice and no money. Presently Israel dare not annex the West Bank and give those Arabs citizenship as they have to Arab Israelis because their majority would be threatened in a so called "democratic" country. No wonder Netanyahu is smiling as planeloads of dollar bills take off from Washington to finance the whole project. Hope and opportunity for who? Not for the Palestinians. This is a sad cheap political stunt which will solve nothing and make any future negociations that much more difficult.