Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Between China advancing its plans to take over the world, Russia undermining everything with bots and whatever on the internet, a Brazilian nut job infected with the virus which he said was a hoax, our hospitals full, schools empty, people dying... gyms and bar shut or half shut or sort of shut and a President who pretends whatever he doesn't like doesn't exist, it is difficult to find one's intellectual and emotional balance. To return to some state of sanity I sprayed myself down with Lysol, put on my WW3 mask which I have carefully hoarded since the Cold War in case of emergencies, and went to Costco where everything seems in order. Tons of Clorox wipes, washing powder, antiseptic, and enough vitamin pills to make a dying cow sit up and pay attention if not fly.

We're now sending two aircraft carriers to the South China Sea to stir everything up and get everyone's minds off the troubles at home. I think my mask is going to be useful. I confess to buying three bottles of vodka just in case things turn bad.