Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Like King Canute, the Editorial Board is trying to hold back the charge of white politicians in the Arizona legislature, some of whom, terrified that they will be outnumbered in the future, are doing their utmost to make voting as difficult as possible and enact legislation what will preserve white privilege. Given the ignorance of many Republican supporters and the deep-seated racism, this should succeed. I appreciate the efforts of the Board. Meanwhile back in Fort Trump, the forces of fascism are being marshaled. The rule of law is under attack. Slowly but surely the Department of Justice is being hollowed out, the corrupt pardoned, leaders of our defense forces told where their loyalties lie and those who stand against the will of the President are banished. Sic transit gloria Republica Americana. Your editorial, though welcome, may be too little and too late. If the ship of American state is beginning to list, a more urgent message is required to stop its sinking. Verbal barricades may have to be manned if the ideal of democracy our founders believed in is to be preserved. Better the ship go down with all guns blazing than submit.