Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Parts of South East Australia and Victoria are aflame. People are fleeing their burned out homes. The dry countryside is a tinderbox and has been for more than six to seven years. The Prime Minister on holiday in Hawaii at the time is verbally attacked on the streets because of his callous indifference to the challenges of climate change. Welcome to the 21st century. Welcome also to the way attitudes towards climate change and the possible remedies have been sidelined by the press in Australian newspapers, the nursing ground of the Fox News Empire, which has consistently dismissed the consequences of climate change. According to them global warming is just a left wing, liberal hoax. Rupert Murdoch, owner of the Empire has been hard at it here in America. At eighty, he will never have to pay the price. What does he care as long as his global empire makes money? More years of drought here in Arizona and our forests are more and more at risk. We have a lot of timber. It's combustible. Patterns of rainfall are changing. Snowfall in the Dakotas is erratic. We should all worry about Australia because we could be the next in line unless we take action now on global warming.