Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


I hope your newspaper will emphasize that the coronavirus originated in a socialist country. We have never had a coronavirus in this country. The President has told us it will go away by April and is not significant. Democrats are using the fear of it to undermine the last election and the stock market. Because it was discovered last December in China, we could have made preparations for it much sooner, probably in January but the White house has been dealing with other more important issues like the Taliban and wall building and getting rid of leftist sympathizers in the government. The only people catching the coronavirus are probably immigrants or poor people who can't isolate themselves. The President cares deeply about his family and has put his personal jet at their disposal. This is how much he cares.

The fact that we had no way of testing for the virus until next month should not frighten anybody. Just think of it as catching a cold. Some people may die but statistically it won't be you.