This pandemic is not a one-off event. Sadly it's the precursor to much greater human suffering. The majority of today's population does not appear to understand that the environmental changes we are undergoing such as cutting down the rain forests, burning millions of tons of fossil fuel stoking the CO2 in the atmosphere which in turn melts the ice caps and glaciers, will make us vulnerable to even more pandemics. The more we destroy and alter the natural environment, the more pressure we put on wildlife, the closer we live to the wellsprings of those viruses which can then jump from animals to us and may be even deadlier than COVID-19. Here in Arizona, the saguaros which support an amazingly complex ecology are under stress. Humans are the instruments of these changes. Forests are being felled, natural environments destroyed. Wildlife, which helps sustain a healthy ecosphere, pushed aside for development. Unless we focus on a sustainable lifestyle and live in harmony with the natural world, we are destined like the dinosaurs for the scrap heap of history.