"Never trust what a man says, look what he does." We have listened to Trump's nonsense for a long time. He could have acted back in January when the virus began to take hold of Wuhan but he is too stupid. He did not understand what a potential pandemic was. Now we are suffering the consequences. This, "Oh, it's a democracy, we have the second amendment. We must tolerate everyone's opinions." NO! Some people are just too stupid. Some just don't get it. "Two plus two equals about 3.784, I think?" Usually such people think they are highly intelligent. Do not upset their egos by telling them otherwise. Put them in charge of anything but their zippers and we'll probably die. If we can't see Trump's taxes, could we at least see his AP scores? Basically by turning its head, America deserves what it gets. You vote for an idiot and that's what you get, except that if you become the President, you get to kill a lot of people because of your stupidity. It's a pity. Shame we didn't have a press which intelligently tried to stand up for the truth and spoke its mind. "Stupid is as stupid does." God Bless America. I'm 75. I'm expendable. Don't waste a respirator on me. Give it to a younger person. Lots of morphine please....I'm on the Highway to Hell.