Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


I ask myself, "Why don't people understand that we're on a suicidal course?" Rates of carbon dioxide are increasing exponentially. The permafrost containing captured carbon dioxide is melting. The ice is melting. Sea levels are rising. It's happened before to the planet but never like this. The planet is warming. We've left the freezer door open. When the ice has gone, who is going to put the freezer back on? And it's happening now. The glaciers are struggling to keep up with us. All the facts are there. The longer we wait to close the freezer door, the worse it is going to get. Why don't people understand? We humans are changing the planet's climate and the foundations which brought us to this point are dissolving. The scientists try to tell us the truth. The cores they extract from the ice, the fossils and bones they discover reveal the periods of warming and cooling but nothing like this. Every time we put our foot on the gas, we throw out more carbon. But nobody wants to know. If you have children, begin worrying. If you have grandchildren, pray for them. The rich might survive for a while but unless Venus gets rid of all its carbon dioxide, there's nowhere else to go.