However sympathetic you found Jon Gabriel's editorial inviting us to share the stages of grief Trump supporters must be going through, it's a distraction from the real story which is that the last four years have been a disaster for the United States and that American voters, in numbers never seen before, came out and said loudly and clearly "enough is enough." Trump was given his chance and he blew it. All the ranting and the rallies and the lies and the distortions and the flag hugging and the 24 hour support of Fox News denigrating anything remotely connected to the Democratic party, didn't work. Voters said no. Democracy worked. The Constitution stood firm. The voters said we prefer a fairly decent older man who's served his country faithfully than a self-serving narcissist. Voter suppression couldn't do it. Sophisticated marketing and millions of dollars poured into advertising couldn't do it. A majority of Americans finally realised what Lincoln meant when he said, "You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." Perhaps there is hope for us after all.