Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Reading the Republic is like watching a game of political ping-pong. Because the political system is divided down the middle and everyone is supposed to take sides, there's a constant struggle going back and forth. Robb and Boas are on one side and Montini and Roberts on the other. R&B is a much stronger team because they control the Editorial page and the letters so they can tilt the table in their favor. Everything left of center can be labeled "reactionary fanatical identity politics" (A smash!) If Trump is mentioned, it is with an apologetic tone "deeply polarizing Republican president." God forbid if anyone dared call his actions racist, corrupt, immoral, or self-serving. Even the Roberts/Montini team would not be allowed to do that. The pandemic? Mustn't make too much fuss about that because it might upset the readership. Just print the figure of known dead along with a little doubt "many likely occurred on previous days or weeks" No panic. Absolutely NO GRAPHS if it's all going up, that'll get people upset. No lists of the departed to mourn. The Vice President is coming to defend the police and rally the Christian right. All's Well. Dr Pangloss. Du Calme. Du calme.