Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


You can tell as much about the politics of Arizona Republic's editorial board from what they don't publish as from what they do. It's a push-me-pull-you arrangement. They allow Ed Montini to have a go at the more outrageous examples of corruption and Republican stupidity and then reel him in with a few scathing letters excoriating his nasty left wing politics. Given the numbers of right wing Republicans in their comfortable rural estates hurrumphing over their copies of The Republic with the time and inclination to write letters, this keeps everyone happy. A week doesn't go by without letters lamenting the horrors of democratically led cities. California's a complete mess of socialist mismanagement. Portland's a den of molotov-throwing black-hooded anarchists. Chicago is a heaving mass of armed black hordes ripping apart the fabric of civilization and New York is just a mess, a Democratically controlled one. Anything serious like the SolarWind hack which might disturb people's opinion of Trump as the persecuted savior of American values is ignored. The Board tries to keep its paying consumers happily anesthetized, a sort of political oxycodone.