Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

RECYCLING (Published 2/15)

The residents of Phoenix are to pay more for recycling. Given the way plastics are endangering wildlife, permanently contaminating the seas and littering the countryside, recycling is vital but should we be the only ones bearing the costs of recycling? What about the companies which produce the plastics in the first place? Shouldn't we be encouraging biodegradable paper products and penalizing excessive use of non-degradable plastics? Why can't plastic products be taxed at source so that biodegradable packaging has an inbuilt advantage and the taxes levied on plastics used to help pay for the recycling? Isn't it also unfortunate, now that the funds to the EPA are being cut, that companies have the green light to introduce new products or new chemicals whatever harm they might produce to us or the environment? Don't we have enough harmful chemicals in our air and waters already as well as great middens of debris leeching poison into the soil for future generations, without adding more? We are all responsible. Caring for our planet should be a Number One priority for everyone.