I have asked this question before and received no answer either in your editorials or the articles or letters you publish. This makes me wonder. What do Republicans stand for? What do they believe in? More importantly who do they represent? Ask that question and you begin to understand. The Republican Party represents those in power who wish to preserve the status quo, a status quo which preserves their privilege and their wealth and ownership of the society. Their fundamental wish is to preserve their control and they do it well. They own the land, most of the commercial enterprises and activities. They supervise the apparatus of government. They live well, have their golf and country clubs, their investments and secondary residences albeit in Mexico or Costa Rica. Why would they want anything different? Basically Arizona is a Republican Imperialist State dedicated to preserving the status quo. Those who threaten this hegemony must be labeled socialist dissenters, left wing troublemakers. The Arizona Republic is their mouthpiece. Why would Republicans be so panicky in this pandemic and start handing out cash unless the foundations of their economic imperialism were creaking?