Because we inherited a two party political system and commentators feel obliged to pick a side, the level of political debate in the opinion columns rarely gets beyond the "Democrats bad people, Republicans good" or "Obama good man, Trump bad man," "Economy good so President good." "Trump ordered killing of Iranian general, so he's good patriotic man." "Iranians bad people. Americans good." It's all rather pathetic. Forget nuance, forget analysis, and forget expertise, what matters is only the side you support. If the killing of General Suleiman was part of a careful strategic plan to stop Iran extending its power beyond its borders and fomenting disruption in the Middle East, forcing it to the negotiating table and helping to produce a peaceful outcome among potentially warring and politically unstable nations, then kudos to the President and his team. If it's a one off political stunt to demonstrate American power and distract from troubles at home, then it just makes the situation worse. I fear that if it's the latter, the result will be a slide into greater sectarianism and discord with lives being lost on both sides.