Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Daily, it seems, editorial writers attack the idea of socialism. Today Greg Moore suggests the "black vote prevented Bernie Sanders from leading the party off a socialist cliff." Use the word "socialism" and Republicans start frothing at the mouth and checking under the bed. But, to quote Lincoln's Gettysburg address... "that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Isn't that socialistic? We, as a society rule ourselves... not kings, not tyrants, not generals, not the rich, not the owners, but "we", the people. Society is to be ruled by its members for the benefit of the whole society. Isn't this why we all vote? How more socialist can you get? We know that with capitalism money goes to the centre, the big gobble up the small, competition gets stifled as with the railroads and oil companies, so our elected officials are there to make sure the market is fair and competitive. Socialism? We build roads for the benefit of society. We demand clean air and water. We care for our old with social security. We educate our young in public schools which we all pay for... it's called looking after society aka socialism or Republicanism.