Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


The protesters' actions were not foolish they were stupid. There's a difference. Foolishness is a lack of judgement, stupidity is a wanton disregard for the truth. The protesters were endangering the lives of others and their actions will spread the virus and kill people and prolong the recovery. That is stupidity. The timetable is under the control of the virus not politicians. We must react to it. We must social distance, test, protect the vulnerable. The economy will have to wait until we are safe from the virus' grasp, until our families are safe. Opening up the economy too soon would be a mistake. "A certain loss of life" is not acceptable. Every life is precious. Our parents and children are not disposable commodities as Phil Boas suggests. Marines do not leave their dead or wounded on the battlefield. Our nurses and doctors are in the front line. We each of us must do everything in our power to support them not make their lives more difficult.