Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Once a week the anti-socialist drum gets taken out and given a good beating by the Editorial Board. (see cartoon) It's their mantra. Socialism equals Communism equals the death of individualism and economic dynamism. Socialism is bad. Please remember. Repeat. Socialism Bad. Capitalism Good. The message is boringly repetitive. Because you care for the sick and the homeless and the destitute, and the forgotten and those in despair, are you a socialist? Because you have Medicare for all you are a socialist? All the other industrialized countries in the world must therefore be socialist. Because you have social security you are socialist? if you are capitalist you can have tax breaks to make you richer, vouchers for your child's education, tax relief on your mortgage, freebies to help you visit foreign countries, opportunities to make millions establishing charter schools and have a good time on taxpayers' money. Some capitalists profess to be Christian and believe in the teaching of Jesus. Let the little children suffer, particularly foreign ones.... or something like that! It would be refreshing to get a balanced view from The Republic rather than constant propaganda.