So sad to watch. The capitalist house of cards, constructed so meticulously by the business gurus, is collapsing. Their eyes have always been on the present, on the immediate profit, on expanding the economy. To hell with burning fossil fuels, ripping up the environment, bulldozing nature out of the way, extracting whatever is needed for the moment and the profit. This was to have been the promised land. Help yourself to the groundwater. Here's some more uranium. Can I have my check? And what do the economic gurus promise now, more of the same in the future? Do it all again. Only better?
Time to change, folks. Time to focus on the future. Time to think seriously about sustainability. Time to invest in technologies which preserve a future for our children. The icecaps are melting, the freezer doors are open, cataclysm is a coming, floods and fire are here. Do you remember that Biblical story about Joseph giving advice to the Pharoh? Seven years of plenty, seven years of famine... I think he knew something about climate change. This time it isn't just Egypt, it's the world.