Today's cartoon by Ramirez with the GOP stemming the flood of left wing ideology hits the nail right on the head. The reds are there. In fact they are everywhere. They are under the bed ready to strike. Our universities are brimming with left wing radical sociologists and scientists indoctrinating our young people, converting them into rabid, red book waving communist lovers of Karl Marx. Something must be done to end this radicalization. It is even infecting out schools where teachers openly attack the wonderful benefits of slavery, the legal subjugation of native peoples and the acquisition of Arizona by military conquest. These historical distortions must not be tolerated. This could be the tip of the iceberg. If we don't stop them now, they will put up guillotines at the Biltmore and chop the heads off Republican property owners and any passing capitalists, just like in the French Revolution. It is time the American people stood up for our values and rid our society of these pinko-liberal left wing socialists. Long live The Republic and the Party (Republican).