Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


If you like President Trump and what he has done, it would appear that very little anybody says from any other quarter will dissuade you from voting for him. And that is logical. If you turned a blind eye to who the man was and what he had done before 2016, nothing much will persuade you to vote differently in this election. So, let's be sure you understand what you are "turning a blind blind eye" to. There is no particular order or preference. On balance as a voter you have to be convinced. So here goes:

  1. He is an habitual liar.
  2. He cheats on his taxes and on his wives and on anybody he can take advantage of.
  3. As a businessman he has constructed a house of cards based on an inherited fortune of $417 million and is deeply in debt.
  4. He will not tolerate opposition.
  5. He breaks the law if he can get away with it.
  6. He likes tyrants.
  7. He hates anyone more intelligent or more successful than he is.
  8. He is petty and mean and does not mind who he hurts.
  9. He believes image matters more than substance.
  10. He is everything he decries.

If this represents the American leader you want as your President then vote for him.