Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


The announcement by the FBI director that China is the 'greatest threat' to US and the ordering of two aircraft carriers to patrol the South China Sea is an opening salvo in Trump's bid to be re-elected. His polls are down. His popularity, even in red states, is wavering except among the most diehard. He needs a Red, White and Blue issue to get himself re-elected. What better way that to take on China, the source of the pandemic? It's an evil calculation but one which ironically falls directly into the lap of the Chinese. They desire nothing better than to see America disunited, its people protesting in the streets, the great capitalist system falling apart. Prying them away from traditional allies in SE Asia and Europe would be a bonus. China with its more cohesive social structure can easily press the xenophobic button and its people will suffer whatever deprivations are called for. The American economy will suffer too, unemployment will swell but the Chinese will be blamed. Four more years of Trump is just what they want. It's a beautiful way of destroying your enemy. After four years a weaker America will emerge. China will be stronger.