Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


At times I wonder about Trump apologists and supporters. Copying the Trump playbook, Senator McSally made a political move to energize her base by calling a CNN reporter a "liberal hack." It was calculated and judging from yesterday's letters and national media attention as well as her using the publicity to fundraise, successful. Out came the hatchets. The alarms went off. Counter attack! (Another part of the Trump playbook...the name calling) "Villanous, personal" "despicable liberals" "McSally did nothing wrong." "Look at the economy." "Nit picking personal opinions." "A true American hero is being attacked." Trump gets bad press because he does some bad things and he lies, constantly. Most of the criticism is deserved and more and more people of broad political persuasions are beginning to realize this. Given all the evidence, this is not unreasonable. A further question might be, is the reporter really a "hack" because he asked McSally if she would support having witnesses at Trump's impeachment trial? Don't you normally have witnesses at a trial? Was it an unfair question or do you not want the evidence to come out? We need more reason and less rhetoric.